Period of pregnancy is the time of real magic, but there are some problems that can appear after it. Skin quality and tight, body shapes and breast form – are the main parts that can be influenced.
ADONIS clinic presents a newest Mommy makeover Program which helps to return your perfect body and youth appearance.
ADONIS Mommy makeover Program is created to solve the most common problems of newfound moms with breast, tummy, legs or arms.
In cooperation with our qualified specialists, we provide the most technological medical approaches which ensure patients’ safety, treatment effectiveness and health state control.
Essential point of ADONIS Mommy makeover Program
ADONIS Mommy makeover Program combines a set of comprehensive medical treatments using the latest technologies in a medical field.
We combine aesthetic plastic surgery and a well-developed recovery process to reach the best results.
Our main perspective is to give the freedom and self love for women who want to correct physical changes from pregnancy and child raising.
The most impacted areas – breasts, abdomen, legs or hands – and their quality can be improved with the help of targeted lifting, while ADONIS highest technological capacity ensures a full examination process before the start to be sure of your safety.
We adopt every Program according to your results and wishes.
The main audience of ADONIS Mommy makeover
ADONIS Mommy makeover Program is created for women who want to get back in shape after pregnancy and breastfeeding. Our medical complex is a safe and effective way to become even more beautiful and youthful.
ADONIS specialists recommend to undergo the Mommy makeover Program at least a 1 year after giving birth to the last child and at least 6 months after breastfeeding completion.
This period will help to maintain body weight and to stabilize your breasts in shape and size.
The main stages of ADONIS Mommy makeover
ADONIS qualitative medical assistance ensures gradual improvements with no huge stress for the organism.
Set of measurements can be performed over several appointments or surgeries – it’s all up to the personal request and individual specificities of the body.
The main stages are examination, treatment plan developing, treatment actions performing and controlled recovery.
ADONIS Mommy makeover advantages
ADONIS Programs include both medical and non-medical services for patients’ comfort and well-being.
Our technological basis consists of only certificated equipment with approved European and worldwide quality.
Safety, Comfort and Effectiveness – are our main foundations.
From the range of ADONIS Programs advantages we can point out ADONIS own laboratory (pre-surgery examination), staff with long-term qualification (consultation and treatment process), personal coordination and support (booking, transfer, accommodation, translation services), etc.
Only 9729$ for ADONIS Mommy makeover Program is the best price/quality ratio and the best choice.
For additional information and consultation, please, follow our website here.
The full informational support about the Mommy makeover Program is waiting for you.