Benefits for the American and Canadian citizens to go through the surrogate process with ADONIS


ADONIS is constantly looking for ways to make the experience better.
In North America, we have a representative office.
Our presence on the ground ensures a degree of comfort and confidence not found in other foreign programs.
ADONIS Fertility International is our international division in the United States, based in Colorado.

If you are in the United States or Canada, we already have this convenience plan for you.
Our program is the most powerful way for you to realize your desire to start a family. It’s milder, easier, and less costly, and our approach is fully clear. We’ll be there for you from the start to the moment you carry your baby home.
Here are some of the advantages of getting an office in the United States for Adonis:

  • 24×7 Global Support
    Our team is ready to answer your questions when you want to ask them. Can’t sleep and have a question at 2:00 a.m in Canada? We’ll be here.
  • Safe, Transparent Banking
    One of the things we hear about international surrogacy programs is the fear of using international wires, and whether they can truly be trusted and tracked to the source (you).
    With Adonis Fertility International, our local offices provide an extra level of trust:

    • No international wires
    • No cash-only payments
    • ADONIS Fertility International handles ALL payments on your behalf
    • We will never ask you to travel internationally with large amounts of cash
    • Payments are made to a United States Bank, using bill pay, checks, or your other preferred method
    • ADONIS Fertility International will pay the entities in Ukraine on your behalf
  • Convenient Medical Financing
    Take advantage of flexible financing of up to $35,000 through our partnership with United Medical Credit. A free application will notify you of approval within moments.
  • Terms and Regulations from USA
    Our clients’ safety is our top priority. Although medical operations are done in ADONIS’ Ukraine facilities, your umbrella surrogacy agreement is backed by our American offices, U.S. law, and promises to provide you with the U.S.-based level of legal support that you need.

Do you want to learn more?

Please feel free to contact for a no-obligation consultation. Our goal is to assist as many families as possible in realizing their dreams of welcoming a new baby into their lives.