Embryos and reproductive cells have incalculable importance. Their transportation is a critical question that needs to be carefully explored, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The majority of transportation services assume responsibility for carrying IVF frozen embryos, sperm, eggs, and cells between medical laboratories and fertility clinics worldwide. ADONIS is cooperating with different embryo transportation services and can receive biological material from all over the world. The one important thing to do is to choose the best embryo courier for your specific needs.
Embryo transportation safety
The whole world is gripped by the COVID-19 pandemic, and people are worried about protecting their health and safety. When we speak about transporting frozen embryos internationally, we understand that it’s a big deal. The safety level of the shipping process is always strictly controlled (regardless of a pandemic period). The quality management system ensures safe, secure, compliant, careful handling and transport of frozen biomaterial. The latest special equipment provides preservation of embryos, sperm, eggs, or cells from interaction with the outside world. The entire transportation process is completed from the laboratory door to the ADONIS clinic with no permeation.
Despite the difficulties with temporary border-crossing restrictions, embryo transportation services do their best to deliver the samples in time for the start date of treatments. Since the temperature fluctuations can harm the biological material and fertility process, great attention is devoted to temperature monitoring equipment. With the continuous temperature logger, the sample’s safety is ensured at all times.
During embryo transport, the biological material is always supervised by a courier, who ensures safe transport and monitors the samples to create ideal environmental conditions. In case of emergency, such as a flight delay or reschedule, the embryo courier has the decision-making capability to handle the situation and deliver the samples at the appointed time.
All of these possibilities are created for your confidence and peace of mind. With the help of the latest ADONIS technologies, we can make your dream of parenthood a reality.
Cost of transporting frozen embryos
A shipment service that specializes in embryos, sperm, eggs, or cell transport requires personal care. Transporting frozen biomaterials internationally is a delicate and complex mission, and you need to have the best service by your side. The cost varies and depends on the transportation service you choose, the country you live in, and the country where you store the biomaterial.
The best way to transport frozen embryos is by a personal courier. This is a professional who is keeping close care of your embryo and delivering the samples from the door of the laboratory to the door of ADONIS fertility clinic.
The average cost also includes an additional charge for customs fees and depends on the arrangement between the shipping clinic and shipping companies.
Shipping internationally can cost $1,000 or more given the diverse circumstances.
Specifications of embryo transportation
- embryo transportation can only be carried out in a highly specialized container that maintains temperature
- biological materials must not be exposed to X-rays at any point during transportation since they can cause degenerative changes to genetic materials
- permanent temperature during the transportation must be less than -100°C
Transportation for IVF
- frozen embryo transportation
- frozen sperm transportation
- frozen eggs transportation
- frozen cells transportation
There is no difference in what part of the world you are living in and in which country you store the biomaterial. If you are ready to start the IVF process, there are no borders for the latest technologies. The qualified embryo transportation services will deliver the most precious sample in Ukraine. ADONIS cares about high-quality IVF processes!
Adonis’ Wednesday Hot Seat
April 29: Behind the Scenes of Embryo Transport and COVID-19 Trends
First Egg Bank: Peter Hura, Director Courier Services
Cryozoom: Sunil Gossai, Director, Cryozoom
IVF Couriers LLP: Simon Hedley and Annare Bernet, Managing Directors, Ashling Mehan, USA Logistics
If you did not get the chance to attend, here is the session archive.
ADONIS’ HOT SEAT WEDNESDAY, hosted by Maria Feekes, Executive Director of Adonis Fertility International, is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to ask questions directly to top specialists in this field.
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